Results for 'Patrick Kevin Roney'

931 found
  1.  94
    Evil and the Experience of Freedom: Nancy on Schelling and Heidegger.Patrick Roney - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (3):374-400.
    This essay examines Jean-Luc Nancy's re-posing of the question of freedom in The Experience of Freedom in relation to three issues—what he calls the “thought of freedom,” the reality of evil, and the closure of metaphysics. All three elements that he discusses point directly to Heidegger's engagement with Friedrich Schelling's attempt to establish a system of freedom. My intervention into the discussion between these three thinkers will address several issues. The first part draws out the implications of Nancy's argument that (...)
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  2. Cleanliness is Next to Morality, Even for Philosophers.Kevin Patrick Tobia, Gretchen B. Chapman & Stephen Stich - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20.
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    The effects of cleanliness and disgust on moral judgment.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (4):556-568.
    Recent experimental studies in cognitive science report the influence of “disgust” and “cleanliness” manipulations on moral judgment, yet little attention has been given to interpreting these studies together or developing models of the causal influence of cleanliness and disgust manipulations on moral judgment. I propose considerations for the causal modeling of these effects. The conclusions are not decisive in favor of one theory of disgust and cleanliness, but suggest several distinct causal roles of disgust- and cleanliness-type manipulations. The incorrect views, (...)
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  4. Wonder and Value.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (4):959-984.
    Wonder’s significance is a recurrent theme in the history of philosophy. In the Theaetetus, Plato’s Socrates claims that philosophy begins in wonder (thaumazein). Aristotle echoes these sentiments in his Metaphysics; it is wonder and astonishment that first led us to philosophize. Philosophers from the Ancients through Wittgenstein discuss wonder, yet scant recent attention has been given to developing a general systematic account of emotional wonder. I develop an account of emotional wonder and defend its connection with apparent or seeming value. (...)
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    The outside of phenomenology: Jean-Luc Nancy on world and sense.Patrick Roney - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):339-347.
    In this essay, I examine Jean-Luc Nancy’s notion of the sense of the world in relation to the phenomenological investigation of the life-world in Husserl and the worldhood of the world in Heidegger. My aim is to address the reasons why Nancy stresses the need for a different thinking that goes beyond the phenomenological gesture in order to approach the sense of the world. What is at stake in this other gesture is the overcoming of the way in which phenomenology (...)
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    The rationale for the teaching of literature: soundings in Paul Hirst's epistemology.Kevin Williams & Patrick A. Williams - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (1):276-292.
    Paul Hirst’s reconceptualization of his epistemology provides a basis for this exploration of the various aspects of the rationale for teaching literature. The article reflects the close analysis of knowledge and the curriculum in his early work and develops insights in his later work. This leads to the identification of five strands that form the rationale for the role of literature within the curriculum. The first strand refers to the knowledge of context, cultural background, or information necessary to engage with (...)
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  7. Personal Identity, Direction of Change, and Neuroethics.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (1):37-43.
    The personal identity relation is of great interest to philosophers, who often consider fictional scenarios to test what features seem to make persons persist through time. But often real examples of neuroscientific interest also provide important tests of personal identity. One such example is the case of Phineas Gage – or at least the story often told about Phineas Gage. Many cite Gage’s story as example of severed personal identity; Phineas underwent such a tremendous change that Gage “survived as a (...)
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  8.  25
    An Evolutionary Comparison of the Handicap Principle and Hybrid Equilibrium Theories of Signaling.Patrick Kane & Kevin J. S. Zollman - unknown
    The handicap principle has come under significant challenge both from empirical studies and from theoretical work. As a result, a number of alternative explanations for honest signaling have been proposed. This paper compares the evolutionary plausibility of one such alternative, the "hybrid equilibrium," to the handicap principle. We utilize computer simulations to compare these two theories as they are instantiated in Maynard Smith's Sir Philip Sidney game. We conclude that, when both types of communication are possible, evolution is unlikely to (...)
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  9. Philosophical Method and Intuitions as Assumptions.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (4-5):575-594.
    Many philosophers claim to employ intuitions in their philosophical arguments. Others contest that no such intuitions are used frequently or at all in philosophy. This article suggests and defends a conception of intuitions as part of the philosophical method: intuitions are special types of philosophical assumptions to which we are invited to assent, often as premises in argument, that may serve an independent function in philosophical argument and that are not formed through a purely inferential process. A series of philosophical (...)
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  10. A Defense of Scalar Utilitarianism.Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):283-294.
    Scalar Utilitarianism eschews foundational notions of rightness and wrongness in favor of evaluative comparisons of outcomes. I defend Scalar Utilitarianism from two critiques, the first against an argument for the thesis that Utilitarianism's commitments are fundamentally evaluative, and the second that Scalar Utilitarianism does not issue demands or sufficiently guide action. These defenses suggest a variety of more plausible Scalar Utilitarian interpretations, and I argue for a version that best represents a moral theory founded on evaluative notions, and offers better (...)
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  11.  85
    Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap between Us and Them. [REVIEW]Kevin Patrick Tobia - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (5):746-750.
    Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap between Us and Them. . ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2013.871618.
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    The Contest Between Public Discourse and Authorial Self in Robert Coover’s The Public Burning.Kevin Patrick Finucane - 2001 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 5 (1):25-39.
    Robert Coover’s Novel, The Public Buming, merges fantasy, history, and popular myth to respond to the American Cold War culture surrounding the trial of Ethal and Julius Rosenberg. While serving as a postmodern response to, and rewrite of, the Cold War ideological narratives, Coover’s novel also raises theoretical and practical questions concerning the author’s agency in the twentieth century. This article makes use of the language theories of Bruce Andrews, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Charles Peirce to consider how Coover’s fiction addresses (...)
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  13.  23
    (1 other version)Sloterdijk’s anthropotechnics.Andrea Rossi & Patrick Roney - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (1):1-2.
    This essay attempts to interrogate the distinct character of Peter Sloterdijk’s declaration of the absolute imperative that concludes his work, You Must Change Your Life, by contextualizing it within the development of his notion of anthropotechnics. In particular, the essays examine the claim that his is a new and unprecedented form of the absolute imperative that is alone able to address, in an effective way, the contemporary global crises that are confronting us now. The first sections trace out the ways (...)
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    Factors that degrade the match distribution in iris biometrics.Kevin W. Bowyer, Sarah E. Baker, Amanda Hentz, Karen Hollingsworth, Tanya Peters & Patrick J. Flynn - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (3):327-343.
    We consider three accepted truths about iris biometrics, involving pupil dilation, contact lenses and template aging. We also consider a relatively ignored issue that may arise in system interoperability. Experimental results from our laboratory demonstrate that the three accepted truths are not entirely true, and also that interoperability can involve subtle performance degradation. All four of these problems affect primarily the stability of the match, or authentic, distribution of template comparison scores rather than the non-match, or imposter, distribution of scores. (...)
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  15.  11
    Steal This University: The Rise of the Corporate University and the Academic Labor Movement.Benjamin Johnson, Patrick Kavanagh & Kevin Mattson (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    _Steal This University_ explores the paradox of academic labor. Universities do not exist to generate a profit from capital investment, yet contemporary universities are increasingly using corporations as their model for internal organization. While the media, politicians, business leaders and the general public all seem to share a remarkable consensus that higher education is indispensable to the future of nations and individuals alike, within academia bitter conflicts brew over the shape of tomorrow's universities. Contributors to the volume range from the (...)
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  16.  88
    Against epistemic circularity.Patrick Bondy & Kevin Delaplante - 2011
    One finds a surprising number of defenses of the legitimacy of some kinds of question-begging arguments or beliefs in the literature. Without wanting to deny the importance of dialectical analyses of begging the question, what I do here is explore the epistemic side of the issue. In particular, I want to explore the legitimacy of “epistemically circular” arguments and beliefs. My tentative conclusion is that epistemically circular arguments and beliefs are never legitimate. *Note: this is an unpublished manuscript presented at (...)
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  17.  53
    Insights Pertaining to Patient Assessments of States Worse than Death.Robert A. Pearlman, Kevin C. Cain, Donald L. Patrick, M. Appelbaum-Maizel, H. E. Starks, N. S. Jecker & R. F. Uhlmann - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (1):33-41.
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  18. Bastable, Patrick, Kevin dublin, october 25, 1918 september 27, 1992-in-memoriam.T. Iglesias - 1993 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1 (1):173-173.
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  19. Re-situating and re-mediating the canons: A cultural-historical remapping of rhetorical activity.Paul Prior, Janine Solberg, Patrick Berry, Hannah Bellwoar, Bill Chewning, K. J. Lunsford, Liz Rohan, Kevin Roozen, Mary Sheridan-Rabideau & Jody Shipka - manuscript
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    Anforderungen an die Datensouveränität in der patientenorientierten und KI-gestützten klinischen Forschung in Deutschland.Marija Radic, Julia Busch-Casler, Agnes Vosen, Philipp Herrmann, Arno Appenzeller, Henrik Mucha, Patrick Philipp, Kevin Frank, Stephanie Dauth, Michaela Köhm, Berna Orak, Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann & Peter Böhm - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):547-562.
    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die exponentiell wachsende Verfügbarkeit von Gesundheitsdaten bietet Forschenden ungeahnte Potenziale für Innovationen. Gleichzeitig gehen mit der Verwertung von Big Data auch große ethische Herausforderungen einher, die es zu bewältigen gilt, um den Anforderungen an verantwortungsvolle Forschung und Innovation gerecht zu werden (Gerke et al. 2020; Howe III und Elenberg 2020). Datensouveränität und die damit verbundenen Grundsätze der Selbstbestimmung und der informierten Zustimmung sind dabei zentrale Ziele. Allerdings hat deren konsistente Umsetzung enorme Konsequenzen für die Datenerhebung und -verarbeitung in (...)
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  21.  7
    Data sovereignty requirements for patient-oriented AI-driven clinical research in Germany.Marija Radic, Julia Busch-Casler, Agnes Vosen, Philipp Herrmann, Arno Appenzeller, Henrik Mucha, Patrick Philipp, Kevin Frank, Stephanie Dauth, Michaela Köhm, Berna Orak, Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann & Peter Böhm - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):547-562.
    Background The rapidly growing quantity of health data presents researchers with ample opportunity for innovation. At the same time, exploitation of the value of Big Data poses various ethical challenges that must be addressed in order to fulfil the requirements of responsible research and innovation (Gerke et al. 2020 ; Howe III and Elenberg 2020 ). Data sovereignty and its principles of self-determination and informed consent are central goals in this endeavor. However, their consistent implementation has enormous consequences for the (...)
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  22. Conceptual Marxism and Truth: Inquiry Symposium on Kevin Scharp’s Replacing Truth.Patrick Greenough - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):403-421.
    In Replacing Truth, Scharp takes the concept of truth to be fundamentally incoherent. As such, Scharp reckons it to be unsuited for systematic philosophical theorising and in need of replacement – at least for regions of thought and talk which permit liar sentences and their ilk to be formulated. This replacement methodology is radical because it not only recommends that the concept of truth be replaced, but that the word ‘true’ be replaced too. Only Tarski has attempted anything like it (...)
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  23.  48
    Conditional Reasoning and Emotional Experience: A Review of the Development of Counterfactual Thinking. [REVIEW]Sarah R. Beck, Daniel P. Weisberg, Patrick Burns & Kevin J. Riggs - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):673-689.
    What do human beings use conditional reasoning for? A psychological consequence of counterfactual conditional reasoning is emotional experience, in particular, regret and relief. Adults’ thoughts about what might have been influence their evaluations of reality. We discuss recent psychological experiments that chart the relationship between children’s ability to engage in conditional reasoning and their experience of counterfactual emotions. Relative to conditional reasoning, counterfactual emotions are late developing. This suggests that children need not only competence in conditional reasoning, but also to (...)
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  24.  17
    Commentary on Jean Goodwin, "Objectivity in controversial science communication: a case study of Kevin Folta".Patrick Bondy - unknown
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  25. Replies to Bacon, Eklund, and Greenough on Replacing Truth.Kevin Scharp - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):422-475.
    ABSTRACTAndrew Bacon, Matti Eklund, and Patrick Greenough have individually proposed objections to the project in my book, Replacing Truth. Briefly, the book outlines a conceptual engineering project – our defective concept of truth is replaced for certain purposes with a team of concepts that can do some of the jobs we thought truth could do. Here, I respond to their objections and develop the views expressed in Replacing Truth in various ways.
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    Response to Patrick Lee.Kevin O'Rourke - 2007 - In Christopher Tollefsen (ed.), Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: The New Catholic Debate. Springer Press. pp. 189--192.
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    Heisenbergian explanation and Husserlian evidence: ontological significance in idealized language.Kevin Mager - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):521-540.
    In contemporary philosophy of science many theories of explanation are rooted in positivist or post-positivists accounts of explanation. This paper attempts to ground a phenomenological account of scientific explanation by using the works of Werner Heisenberg and Patrick Heelan. To explain something for Heisenberg is to describe what can be intersubjectively observed and conceptualized in an adequate language. However, this needs to be qualified, as not any adequate account will do. While Heisenberg thinks that Kant is right to think (...)
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  28.  88
    Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin, James Moor, and John Weckert , Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley‐Interscience , 385 pp., $42.50. [REVIEW]Kevin C. Elliott - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (3):405-409.
  29.  17
    Booknotes.Kevin Williams - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (3):547–550.
    In the sonnet Epic by Patrick Kavanagh, the poet wonders if it is justifiable to write about a quarrel in rural Ireland instead of about the Second World War. H.
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    Action and Character According to Aristotle: the Logic of the Moral Life. By Kevin L. Flannery, SJ. Pp. xxxii, 314, Washington, DC, The Catholic University of America Press, 2013, $59.95. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (4):685-685.
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    Aesthetic perception: A thomistic perspective. By Kevin E. O'Reilly: Book reviews. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (4):726-727.
  32. Raziel Abelson and Marie-Louise Friquegnon, Ethics for Modern Life. Boston: Bedford./St. Martin's, 2003, 560 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-312-15761-4 (pb). Deane-Peter Baker and Patrick Maxwell, eds., Explorations in Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003, 219 pp. [REVIEW]Georges B. J. Dreyfus, Stephen J. Grabill, Timothy M. Shaughnessy & Kevin E. Schmiesing - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38:125-126.
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  33.  45
    Kevin Krisciunas, Astronomical Centres of the World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press1988. Pp. x + 320 ISBN 0-521-30278-1 £17.50. - Patrick A. Wayman, Dunsink Observatory, 1785–1985: A Bicentennial History. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and Royal Dublin Society, 1987. Pp. xiii + 353. ISBN 0-86027-020-3. IR £25. [REVIEW]Mari E. W. Williams - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (1):102-103.
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  34.  75
    Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour.Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown - 2002 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown.
    This book asks whether evolution can help us to understand human behaviour and explores diverse evolutionary methods and arguments. It provides a short, readable introduction to the science behind the works of Dawkins, Dennett, Wilson and Pinker. It is widely used in undergraduate courses around the world.
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  35.  78
    Models of data.Patrick Suppes - 2009 - In Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes & Alfred Tarski (eds.), Provability, Computability and Reflection. Stanford, CA, USA: Elsevier.
  36. (1 other version)Studies in the methodology and foundations of science.Patrick Suppes - 1969 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
  37.  8
    Kierkegaard's mirrors: interest, self, and moral vision.Patrick Stokes - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is it to see the world, other people, and imagined situations as making personal moral demands of us? What is it to experience stories as speaking to us personally and directly? Kierkegaard's Mirrors explores Kierkegaard's answers to these questions, with a new phenomenological interpretation of Kierkegaardian 'interest'.
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  38.  28
    Free will: sourcehood and its alternatives.Kevin Timpe - 2012 - London: Continuum.
    An important and engaging book on a key argument in contemporary debates about free will and moral responsibility.
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  39.  33
    Religious Freedom and the Reasons for Rights.Kevin Vallier - 2016 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 6 (1):9-24.
  40.  20
    New Foundations of Objective Probability: Axioms for Propensities.Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 74:515-529.
  41.  90
    Ockham's razor, empirical complexity, and truth-finding efficiency.Kevin Kelly - 2007 - Theoretical Computer Science 383:270-289.
  42. Free assumptions and the liar paradox.Patrick Greenough - 2001 - American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (2):115 - 135.
    A new solution to the liar paradox is developed using the insight that it is illegitimate to even suppose (let alone assert) that a liar sentence has a truth-status (true or not) on the grounds that supposing this sentence to be true/not-true essentially defeats the telos of supposition in a readily identifiable way. On that basis, the paradox is blocked by restricting the Rule of Assumptions in Gentzen-style presentations of the sequent-calculus. The lesson of the liar is that not all (...)
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  43. Learning to love: From egoism to generosity in Descartes.Patrick Frierson - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (3):313-338.
    Patrick Frierson - Learning to Love: From Egoism to Generosity in Descartes - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.3 313-338 Learning to Love: From Egoism to Generosity in Descartes Patrick R. Frierson The whole of philosophy is like a tree. The roots are metaphysics, the trunk is physics, and the branches emerging from the trunk are all the other sciences, which may be reduced to three principal ones, namely medicine, mechanics, (...)
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  44.  43
    Cognitive science, literature, and the arts: a guide for humanists.Patrick Colm Hogan - 2003 - London: Routledge.
    Cognitive Science, Literature, and the Arts is the first student-friendly introduction to the uses of cognitive science in the study of literature, written specifically for the non-scientist. Patrick Colm Hogan guides the reader through all of the major theories of cognitive science, focusing on those areas that are most important to fostering a new understanding of the production and reception of literature. This accessible volume provides a strong foundation of the basic principles of cognitive science, and allows us to (...)
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  45.  15
    What is a Contradiction?Patrick Grim - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 49--72.
    The Law of Non-Contradiction holds that both sides of a contradiction cannot be true. Dialetheism is the view that there are contradictions both sides of which are true. Crucial to the dispute, then, is the central notion of contradiction. My first step here is to work toward clarification of that simple and central notion: Just what is a contradiction?
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  46.  49
    Error, faith and self-deception.Patrick Gardiner - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70:197-220.
    Patrick Gardiner; XII—Error, Faith and Self-Deception, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 221–244,
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  47. Life extension : proponents, opponents, and the social impact of the defeat of death.Kevin T. Keith - 2009 - In Michael K. Bartalos (ed.), Speaking of death: America's new sense of mortality. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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    Memory and knowledge of content.Kevin Falvey - 2003 - In Susana Nuccetelli (ed.), New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. MIT Press.
  49. Artificial Intelligence and the Historian-Prospects and Possibilities.Kevin Schurer - 1990 - In Tadeusz Buksiński (ed.), Interpretation in the humanities. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. pp. 71--169.
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  50. Falsity.Kevin Scharp - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Although there is a massive amount of work on truth, there is very little work on falsity. Most philosophers probably think this is appropriate; after all, once we have a solid understanding of truth, falsity should not prove to be much of a challenge. However, there are several interesting and difficult issues associated with understanding falsity. After considering two prominent definitions of falsity and presenting objections to each one, I propose a definition that avoids their problems.
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